Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Does the cooking cream lie us?

                                  COOKING CREAM
In this picture we can see that it puts that is a light cream but....if it is not true?
This ´´light cream´´contains:

E-407:It can cause ulcers in the large intestine, blood in the urine and slowing growth. Associated with allergies and weakened immune system. In large quantities it can decrease the absorption of minerals. It has no nutritional value and promotes the formation of cancerous tumors,its natural but as you can see it very dangerous

E-471:in large doses causes poor assimilation of fatty acids and increases the size of the liver and kidneys.

E-339:in large doses it can cause digestive problems and hyperactivity. 
long term can reduce the natural balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. 
is easy to consume large amounts because many foods contain it.

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