- Glutamato Monosodico(AVOID) :A semi-syntetic flavour buff. In low dosages this additive is capable to destroy your neurons in the brain quickly. This additive is associated with the Parkinson and Alzheimer, also a study from the michigan university discovered that if you eat too much Glutamato Monosodico can cause you to have suiciding thoughts.
- Cloruro de Potasio(AVOID):A flavour buff derivated from the E 507. in low cuantities only provoces digestive problems, but in large cuantities provoces diarrea and vomiting.
http://www.aditivos-alimentarios.com/2014/01/e507-acido-clorhidrico.html (E 507) really harmfull.
- Acido citrico(HARMLESS):it only makes the food be more sweet.
You could have said something about the sentence "SIN conservantes, SIN colorantes".