Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mexican Corn Tortillas ¿Just Tortillas?

Mexican Corn Tortillas

This satanic food label says that we are eating a Merxican Corn Tortilla, but ¿We are just eating that?

As we can see in the following label this Tortillas contain 11 aditives and 4 of them are bad for us.

We are going to start with the additive E-160:

This additive may be toxic and if you usually smoke it´s not recommended to consume it because it can accelerate the appearance of lung cancer.

The additive E-211:

This additive is very toxic and it´s used to prevent yeast and bacteria. In small dosis itcan causes toxicologic problems and alergies. It produce asthma and urticaria if taken while some dyes. May cause allergic intolerance to salicylic acid in people. Inanimal studies it caused seizures. Its accumulation in the body can produce cancerrisk. Attention: If mixed with E222 may cause neurological problems. If E300 may be mixed with benzene , a carcinogenic hydrocarbon. Not for use in pet food because even in small doses is lethal to dogs and cats.

The additive E-330:

In big quantities can cause dental corrosion.
It can also cause cancer

The additive E-466:

Conflicting reports. Cellulose is indigestible to humans but can be fermented in the large intestine and the colon in the form of fiber, however, the long-term effects of regular consumption of artificially added fiber to foods have not yet studied and unknown.

It can cause digestive problems.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the pictures are not shown.
    Pay attention to your English ("¿We are just eating that?")
    Without sources of information.
