Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Everyone knows about actimel the drink that helps your inmunitary system but what if i tell you that´s not true?

Danone company have been 3 years telling us that it is the best shake in the world made only of fermented milk and lactobacillus Caseis DN-114 001, very good for our health yes and their pocket.


In their slogans they say that help our systems and all that things but, it´s all publicity, anything is true and they have been demanded several times by the european autorities. One of that slogans confirmed it was tested that they help our defenses but the ASA make them eliminated because it was false.


 Actimel contains a bad bacteria call CLOSTRIDIUM that produces intestinal problems as diarrhea while Danone wants us to think that it eliminate toxins.


They also tell us that it has vitamin B6, that is good but... how many vitamin B6? It is recomend it to have a 15% but you know something? A banana has 3 times more than an Actimel (and it doesn´t reaches the 15%). If we start comparing this fruit with that shake the banana has a lot of good subtances while an actimel only good publicity.


So now each time you are drinking an Actimel please think it and eat bananas.


I have founded all this information in this web:

1 comment:

  1. I can't see the bacteria Clostridium in the ingredients.
    You could have researched on the "colorante".
    You say "It is recomend it to have a 15%" and what the label means is that this Actimel provides you with 15% of the Vit B6 you need per day.
    Did you check using the food tables that a banana really has the amount of B6 you say? You can't believe everything you find on the Internet. That's why I prefer you to research better than to copy.
